Okay, i know this is my second post in a day but deal. I got an email from my dad and it was kind of cool. Okay, i thought it was cool so don't judge. Are you aware that on July eighth of this year. Exactly five, minutes six seconds after four. The time and date will be 04:05:06 07/08/09. Isn't that cool. I was like whoa, that's so cool. Literally those were my exact words. I wonder who caught that? I mean most people don't go around looking for this kind of stuff, or do they? Oh and did I mention this will NEVER happen again. It's a ONCE in a lifetime chance. Well our lifetime because people before us and after us will never have the chance to say. . .
"Hey it's, 4-5-6-7-8-o9" I mean who wouldn't want to say that? It's pretty cool, right?
-Midnight Seeker
That is pretty cool. I'm looking foward to it :D