Monday, May 11, 2009

HaPpY mOtHeR's DaY: The Mom Song

OKay so mother's day was on Sunday. The 10th of May. I don't know about you but i didn't do the whole breakfast in bed thing. (speaking of that. Why do people like getting breakfast in bed. I mean what if you have to move, i know that your have a tray and everything but what if your leg has a spasm and you get juice and waffles all over your bed. I wouldn't want that but that's my opinion) I gave her what she really wanted. A Clean House. I also showed her this cool video
and she said she did all of this and much more. Of course she does. So in honor of all the mother's out there, this video is for you and all the hard work you do. Good/Great Job! We love you!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Okay i got this from my friend. I find it to be well. . .awsome. You decide.