Monday, May 11, 2009

HaPpY mOtHeR's DaY: The Mom Song

OKay so mother's day was on Sunday. The 10th of May. I don't know about you but i didn't do the whole breakfast in bed thing. (speaking of that. Why do people like getting breakfast in bed. I mean what if you have to move, i know that your have a tray and everything but what if your leg has a spasm and you get juice and waffles all over your bed. I wouldn't want that but that's my opinion) I gave her what she really wanted. A Clean House. I also showed her this cool video
and she said she did all of this and much more. Of course she does. So in honor of all the mother's out there, this video is for you and all the hard work you do. Good/Great Job! We love you!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Okay i got this from my friend. I find it to be well. . .awsome. You decide.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is absolutely incredible. Wish it was a longer video, though.

Turn your sound on for this. Read this first, then watch.

This is almost unbelievable. See how all of the balls wind up in catcher cones.. This incredible machine was built as a collaborative effort between the Robert M. Trammell Music Conservatory and the Sharon Wick School of Engineering at the University of Iowa .

Amazingly, 97% of the machine's components came from John Deere Industries and Irrigation Equipment of Bancroft , Iowa ....Yes, farm equipment! It took the team a combined 13,029 hours of set-up, alignment, calibration, and tuning before filming this video but as you can see it was WELL worth the effort.

It is now on display in the Matthew Gerhard Alumni Hall at the University and is already slated to be donated to the Smithsonian/

This is way cool so tell me what you think.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay i was listening to this song by Within Temptation called "Memories" and it got me thinking. The song, to me, was very ironic. It reminded me of last summer when i met this guy. (Of course, it starts with a guy. It always starts with a guy. What's wrong with people?" Well he's not with me any more. (I'm not sure we officially broke up) Anyway the date when we met is coming up and i can't stop thinking about him. I know he's just some guy and i should get over him but i can't. Believe me I've tried. I've even tried liking someone else. (Which, by the way, i sort of really like him. I don't know why. He's just some random guy and i didn't even know his name until today. It's Hayden!) Anyway, I've made this 'new years resolution thingy' where i told myself i can't cry. I've been doing a good job and i actually feel tougher and stronger but now I'm starting to think about him and then i cry myself to sleep. I miss him alot and i wish he would come back. I didn't even get to see what he looked like. I'll explain it later. . .if i feel like it:) Oh, before i forget, I've got a way to try to keep my mind off him. Instead of daydreaming about him, i thought of a new story idea. So now i daydream ideas for my story. I've written a page or two but it's not ready yet. The characters are unstable and the plot is everywhere, so i have some tweaking to do.
-Midnight Seeker

Friday, April 3, 2009

Is there something behind my tears or is it just teen angst?

I'm struggling. . .big time. School is terrible, wanna know why? Because okay i got sick and i wasn't feeling good. So i missed a day or two of school and in those short days, my teachers decide it would be hilarious to see me tortured. I had a computer test which was fairly easy. (Not saying i passed) But then i had a math test. It was only mid chapter but i totally bombed it. I didn't know the formulas but everyone else did. Because when i was gone they got a yellow paper telling them the formulas and other junk. The day we took the test i told my teacher i didn't have a yellow paper and he said "Oh, what are you going to do?" Hello, i don't know what I'm going to do. Then he walked away. (Don't worry i got a paper) But i just thought that was so mean. I mean he had this sort of sarcasm he uses and i tried not to take it personally but i did, sort of. I wanted to cry, right there in the classroom. How childish of me. Then i had a vocab quiz in science and i didn't know the words because i was gone. (Hello people! I had pneumonia. Cut me some slack) I didn't study because i didn't finish my fold able and I'm pretty sure i didn't do so well. But if school wasn't enough to make my life a living hell, my family was. I had to do research for my brother. He was doing a report on his video game, weird. So i spent my time on the computer, getting pictures and information. But i didn't get a pat on the back or a -way-to go. But i never got that before, anyway. But as i tried to read my brother kept bothering me to play a game with him. So i had to. I wasn't happy. Then my mom was making remarks like "don't promise something you can't keep" I wanted to roll my eyes. Then i told her something me and my friend were talking about and she acted all mean to me. I tried not to be bothered. But then my sister asked me to curl her hair in the morning and i just wanted to go to bed. It was while i was in bed when the water works came out. I don't know why but I just cried. I hate it when i cry because i feel weak. But then i started thinking. Was i crying because today wasn't the best day of my life or was i crying because of something else. Or someone else. Tell you more later.

-Midnight seeker

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Okay, i know this is my second post in a day but deal. I got an email from my dad and it was kind of cool. Okay, i thought it was cool so don't judge. Are you aware that on July eighth of this year. Exactly five, minutes six seconds after four. The time and date will be 04:05:06 07/08/09. Isn't that cool. I was like whoa, that's so cool. Literally those were my exact words. I wonder who caught that? I mean most people don't go around looking for this kind of stuff, or do they? Oh and did I mention this will NEVER happen again. It's a ONCE in a lifetime chance. Well our lifetime because people before us and after us will never have the chance to say. . .
"Hey it's, 4-5-6-7-8-o9" I mean who wouldn't want to say that? It's pretty cool, right?

-Midnight Seeker

Spring break. . .and i'm sick!

Okay, so my spring has just come to an end. (Sad) Today was my first day back at school. (UGH!) And to make it even worse I'm sick. I was sluggish and everyone kept telling me i looked tired. Well duh! If i looked tired, I'm pretty sure i feel tired. Anyway I had a hard time keeping my head up off my desk and out of the sink. (I have a cooking class) And to top it all off, I have this nasty cough. It's like a horn and like a choking walrus. I went to the doctor yesterday but not because of my cough but because my brother threw-up. Okay, he's seven and he's cute so how can you not care about him but i swear whenever he says he's not feeling good, here comes mom with a free ticket out of school and luxury. Hello i need help too! Anyway, I went in and i was going to have to show them how i coughed. Not too hard, right? Wrong. When i got in there my cough 'magically' disappeared. I had to work up my lungs and push the cough out. So the doctor lady told me i have this cough (duh!) that infants/babies get. I was like what the heck. My mom said i had it once when i was a baby (shocker) and it freaked everyone out. Just imagine it, a little tiny baby coughing this deep nasty cough, yeah it's weird. So they injected steroids into me, i don't know why but i think it opened up my throat so i could breath. But i just think it's unfair. Everyone treats me like a kid, everyone says i look like a kid, now i have a freaking baby cough. Once again, UGH! But, like i said before, it's a nasty cough. It's not a dainty cute cough but full on choke on my lungs cough. I hate my cough! It's loud, embarrassing, stupid and it wakes me up in the middle of the night. I wake up and cough then i cough again and again. So that's probably why I'm tired. UGH!! Again!!

-Midnight seeker

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th. . .

Okay, so it's Friday the 13th. *scary music* So for all you superstitious people out there (don't worry I'm one of them too) you already know all the bad luck stuff. Like: spilling the salt, breaking a mirror, walking under a ladder, stepping on a crack, opening an umbrella indoors, oh and of course a black cat crossing your path. I think i got them all but then again i think i didn't oh well, if i missed any please tell me. Anyway, did you know that there's an official name for people who are afraid of Friday the 13th. It's paraskavedekatriaphobia. That's a mouth full isn't it. Well that was a little tidbit for you. I think I'm going to have bad luck today. I hope i don't because i just took a major math test and if i don't pass then i fail. Then i have to pay the school to let me retake it, how lame is that? I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I get at least a B. So I'm going crazy with worry. When i worry I eat, pace and hyperventilate. I don't know why i do those things but they go in order. It's weird but then again i don't worry about a lot of stuff. So today (well today's almost over) watch your back for a black cat. (Hey that rhymes. LoL. . . Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid)

-Midnight Seeker

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just a random post

I'm starting to like this whole blogging thing. It's fun, i guess. Anyway, i'm having a better week and spring break is coming. I'm too happy about that though. I mean i just sit home, by myself and flip through channels. And the last time i was home alone (for instance, summer vacation) something seriously life changing happened to me. But i won't go into details. So that's all i have planned, that and finish my story. Oh, did i mention i'm writing a story. Yeah it's pretty awsome. I've been writing it for a year and a half. (I know, i'm slow but i don't have time) Oh and i noticed this week, this guy in my english class. He's kind of cute. In a serious, skater way. But get this, i don't know his name. He just barely moved here and i never really noticed him. (mean, huh?) Well i look for him in the halls and i always seem to find him. i even walked next to him in the hall, but he didn't see me:( He's quiet and serious and cute in a way i can't explain it. But there's also this other guy on my mind. (I know his name but i'm not telling) He's sweet, kind but i don't know what he looks like. (well he described himself to me, if that counts) I met him online. He found out my email and we just started talking. He left and i broke up with him in January. I still can't get over it and i was the dumper. He was just so special and he got everything i was going through. But now my hearts all broken and not even the strongest glue can hold me together. (yeah, i know. I just have to let it out) But it's also weird because in my book. . . well it's really hard to describe. I'll save it for later. Anyway that's my week. So much stuff that i just can't compute. UGH!!

-Midnight Seeker

Monday, March 2, 2009

One of those days

Okay, you know when you have one of those days where everything goes wrong, well, that's been happening to me all week. (Technically one and a half weeks) It all started last Sunday. I was racing with my sister and she was wearing these too-tight shoes that were giving her blisters. (I laughed at her) Anyway, i got a little too competitive with her and took a short cut through some bushes. I saw a the sprinkler thingy sticking out of the ground, so thought to myself, "I'm going to jump over that." Well, i didn't. I tripped and went flying forward. I was lucky it was grass and not the pavement. Well my knee stinged after that and there were a couple of bruises but nothing to weep over. Then all week, it was like my Friday the 13th. (Oh, the way. check out my picture, to the left. I thought it would be apporpriate for this topic. It's cool. Well i thinks so) Nothing was going right. I fell and tripped. I cut myself. Nothing was on my side. I mean if the week was a person, i would punch them. (yeah I know, weird.) I thought everything would be better at the end of the week but no. I think I'm just finding all the bad luck. Great. Oh yeah, and i was sitting on my couch watching TV, when i realized i had to study for a test. My backpack was right next to me, on the floor. So i lean over and dig out my book but as i was down there, i heard something. It came from the back door. (which i was so conveniently by) It was a banging. Like someone got mad and hit something. But it sounded like it was the door. Like someone was out there and got mad because I wouldn't open the door. Anyway i was creeped out by that. I made breakfast today in my foods class. (Random, i know.) It was okay except i had to clean a mountain of dirty dishes. Can't complain though. I hope my week goes better. If not then i'm just going to rant my feelings on here. Beware!

-Midnight Seeker

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Flour Sack Assignment

Okay, here's the deal. In school (well my school) you can take an elective called teen living. It teaches you stuff about, well. . .everything teen related. From friendship, to relationships to other stuff. Well were in this unit and were talking about teenage pregnancy and babies. (yes, everyone knows where babies come from) Anyway, to help us avoid teenage pregnancy the teacher does this assignment where everyone has to carry around a ten pound flour sack or a doll. (F.Y.I the doll has to weigh ten pounds too) So i thought "Why not? It seems like fun." Boy was I wrong. It is the exact opposite of the word fun. I mean, some people might like the assignment but i stand against it. Try carrying around a ten pound doll on your hip. My arm is sore. UGH! but only one more day. Yay! can't wait. Also there's something that i really have to talk about but i'll save it for later.

-Midnight Seeker

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Day

Okay, I just started this blogging thing today (obviously) so yay for me. I started this blog because. . .well i had nothing better to do. I mean i always thought blogging was stupid and for people without lives (no offense to you bloggers out there) but my friend started blogging and i thought it would be cool. And besides i like talking. About everything! Random stuff mostly. Yeah, it sounds weird but in a way it's not. If that makes sense. So i guess i'm going to do this blog, see how it turns out and take it from their. If i don't like it then that's that but if i do, well your going to see more posts, aren't you. Well that's it. . .for now.

-Midnight Seeker